sábado, 29 de noviembre de 2014
Image Analysis Exercise
We can see a man looking through a window holding something that looks like a math compass, there is a closet behind him that has a globe and some books on top of it and behind that we can see the wall that has something written or engraved in it and is also holding a painting which has a chair under it and in front of it we can see a wooden suitcase which rests in the floor with something that loos like and armchair with a carpet on top of it.
It looks like a Sunday morning , I get the feeling the man in the photo is some kind of thinker or scientist that just got out of bed and put on his dressing gown to keep studying but he gets lost looking trough the window at all the risers doing their everyday activities and asking himself lots of questions.
Graphic Novel Page Analysis Excersise
Panel N.1:
We can see Amir sort of spying his dad and Rahim that are sitting in a blue and grey couch, they are having something to drink that seems to be tea surrounded by a nice cozy environment in a "soft" afternoon lighting.
Baba looks to be asking himselft lots of questions without yet realizing that Amir is whatching Rahim looks like he just turned back and saw Amir and he has a sad look in his face, I think he is sad that Amir had to hear all the things he talked with Baba and by the position of this arms I think Amir is a little shocked about Rahim looking at him. The environment and the light gives me a sense of sadness.
Panel N.2
Baba is taking his pipe out of his mouth and he is looking at Amir and Amir is by the stairs looking at him back.
Amir has a sad look on his face which I believe is hiding the anger within him, Baba in the other hand looks more surprised and a bit worried about what Amir might have heard.
Panel N.3
Amir is probaby blinded by what he heard and does not want to talk to Rahim, I get another feeling of sadness and I think that Amir has gone trough many problems in his life.
Panel N.7
The panel is cut in half but you can see Rahim Khan with a strange look in his face, he seems to be sweating.
By the look on Rahim's face I feel like he is confused, probably about what Amir is telling him, he also feels sad about Amir.
We can see Amir sort of spying his dad and Rahim that are sitting in a blue and grey couch, they are having something to drink that seems to be tea surrounded by a nice cozy environment in a "soft" afternoon lighting.
Baba looks to be asking himselft lots of questions without yet realizing that Amir is whatching Rahim looks like he just turned back and saw Amir and he has a sad look in his face, I think he is sad that Amir had to hear all the things he talked with Baba and by the position of this arms I think Amir is a little shocked about Rahim looking at him. The environment and the light gives me a sense of sadness.
Panel N.2
Baba is taking his pipe out of his mouth and he is looking at Amir and Amir is by the stairs looking at him back.
Amir has a sad look on his face which I believe is hiding the anger within him, Baba in the other hand looks more surprised and a bit worried about what Amir might have heard.
Panel N.3
Amir runs to the stairs crying, Baba looks very surprised while Rahim looks to be sad.
Amir probably realized where he was, he escaped his state of shock and started crying, probably what he heard remembered him of something, Rahim seems to be very sad for Amir while Baba looks surprised and probably disappointed.
Panel N.4
Amir ran out the house and Hassan looks at him.
I get a sad feeling, I have a feeling its a windy day. Amir is no longer crying be he seems angry and cofused and Hassan is probaly confused too but I have a feeling that he knows what happened.
Panel N.5
The panel is cut in half, Hassans "dad" comes out and stops Hassan from intervening.
Hassans "dad" thinks that's is better for someone else to go talk to Amir.
Panel N.6
Rahim also runs out the house and catches Amirs shoulder he tells Amir that there was a miss understanding.
Amir is probaby blinded by what he heard and does not want to talk to Rahim, I get another feeling of sadness and I think that Amir has gone trough many problems in his life.
Panel N.7
The panel is cut in half but you can see Rahim Khan with a strange look in his face, he seems to be sweating.
By the look on Rahim's face I feel like he is confused, probably about what Amir is telling him, he also feels sad about Amir.
miércoles, 29 de octubre de 2014
Universal Theme: Fear/Need 4 Change
Plot: Holden leaves his parents house to go stay the night at Mr Antolini's place, Mr and Mrs Antolini greet him warmly. Holden and Mr Antolini drink come coffee while talking about Holden's problems and questions but the conversation was cut short because Holden wanted to sleep because he has a headache, he was sleeping in the couch when suddenly he realises that Mr Antolini was patting his head while he was sleeping, Holden freaks out and gets out of the house as fast as he can, it was a very awkward situiation.
- Holden: He goes over to Mr Antolini's house to talk with him and to stay the night. They talked while drinking coffee about Holden's "life" problems. Then holden fell asleep in the couch because he had an headache but the he waked up while being patted in the head by Mr Antolini it was an awkward situation, Holden decided to leave, he didn't know what to think about him anymore.
- Mr Antolini: Kind wise man that listens and gives advice to Holden, he is married to Lillian that is a kind old woman. Everything goes awkward and turns out wrong when Holden woke up with him patting his head.
Point of View:
Holden: He is scared that when he's old he will hate everything and that no one will like him.
Mr Antolini: Intelectual, he has an older wife and they kiss a lot in public he tells holden "The mark of an immature man is that he wants to die nobly for a cause, while the mark of a mature man is that he wants to live humbly for one".
Symbols, Allusions, Patterns:
Coffee : caffeine = Not sleep = insomnia = paranoia = FEAR
Cigarette : Drug& Not a Kid = Try to make him drunk = Forget what happened = Lose of Memory = Possibility that Mr. Antolini commit a perfect crime = FEAR
Cigarette : Drug& Not a Kid = Try to make him drunk = Forget what happened = Lose of Memory = Possibility that Mr. Antolini commit a perfect crime = FEAR
(P.197 : 'I didn't feel much like going into it. I was feeling sort of dizzy or something, and I had a helluva headache all of a sudden. I really did.)
Conversation about {Holden's Family : Personal life & Family information = Know Holden's Family tree = Know where they live = Know who is isolated = Possible Violation of other Caulfields = FEAR
Touch Holden's Head : Instant & Direct Violation = FEAR
Conversation about {Holden's Family : Personal life & Family information = Know Holden's Family tree = Know where they live = Know who is isolated = Possible Violation of other Caulfields = FEAR
Touch Holden's Head : Instant & Direct Violation = FEAR
miércoles, 3 de septiembre de 2014
"Who bears the greatest responsibility bility for pollution: businesses, individual people or the government"
I believe that the Government has the biggest responsability for pollution over big industries and inviduals but... Why?
Because the government is the one in charge of spreading and creating anti pollution/contamination laws, some governments do this some don't and some barely do it, and this is why many countries and cities have big contamination issues, the government can do many things to avoid air contamination but just some of them do.
In undeveloped countries there are few and ineffective laws and programs to combat contamination, governments try to create programs and laws to prevent contamination, but its either ineffective or they just don't care much about it. For example and as written in Jonathan Kaimans article for theguardian.com in China the pollution level in Beijing reaches 750 points in a 0-500 scale and according to the WHO 0-25 is the safe daily level.
Governments have to create strong school programs so that our kids can have a real awareness about pollution and contamination not just a idea of what it is and what it can cause, also another issue is that governments could have and can do is to create strong laws for individuals and for industries to make them think twice before letting go toxic substances into the air, to fine the company for releasing toxic substances into the air would not just cut them from doing it because probably the fine equals just a 2% of what they make releasing toxic things into the environment so the only way to get in the heads of big industries that just want to earn money is to teach them about the consequences of contaminating the environment and that has to be taught when they are little and this goes back to my other point about strongly teaching about the consequences of contamination in schools and out of them.
The government can give a certain amount of money to businesses that work cleanly and for the environment, after all it is for the greater good. Because of inefficient government programs to spread environmental awareness and laws to prohibit contamination many countries are now stuck trying to clean their lands, sea and sky when meanwhile people are in their comes burning tires or throwing toxic things to the sky, land or sea, and this is all because they were not properly taught about the consequences of doing such things.
For this and for many other reasons I strongly believe that the government is the one to blame for air pollution and for any type of contamination that is affecting their country over individuals and businesses.
In undeveloped countries there are few and ineffective laws and programs to combat contamination, governments try to create programs and laws to prevent contamination, but its either ineffective or they just don't care much about it. For example and as written in Jonathan Kaimans article for theguardian.com in China the pollution level in Beijing reaches 750 points in a 0-500 scale and according to the WHO 0-25 is the safe daily level.
Governments have to create strong school programs so that our kids can have a real awareness about pollution and contamination not just a idea of what it is and what it can cause, also another issue is that governments could have and can do is to create strong laws for individuals and for industries to make them think twice before letting go toxic substances into the air, to fine the company for releasing toxic substances into the air would not just cut them from doing it because probably the fine equals just a 2% of what they make releasing toxic things into the environment so the only way to get in the heads of big industries that just want to earn money is to teach them about the consequences of contaminating the environment and that has to be taught when they are little and this goes back to my other point about strongly teaching about the consequences of contamination in schools and out of them.
The government can give a certain amount of money to businesses that work cleanly and for the environment, after all it is for the greater good. Because of inefficient government programs to spread environmental awareness and laws to prohibit contamination many countries are now stuck trying to clean their lands, sea and sky when meanwhile people are in their comes burning tires or throwing toxic things to the sky, land or sea, and this is all because they were not properly taught about the consequences of doing such things.
For this and for many other reasons I strongly believe that the government is the one to blame for air pollution and for any type of contamination that is affecting their country over individuals and businesses.
martes, 2 de septiembre de 2014
Annotated Bibliography
Retrieved From: Individuals
How individuals and families contribute to contamination and pollution, they pollute the air by burning different types of materials such as fossil fuels, plastic and many other types of materials.
Retrieved From: Industries and Businesses
There are many factors producing air pollution and industries is a big one of them, they are often considered as the prime factor in air pollution. There are many implications and health risks associated with industrial air pollution such as Acid Rain, Respiratory Disorders and the depletion of the ozone layer.
Retrieved From: http://www.theguardian.com/environment/2013/jan/22/china-air-pollution-government-official
According to this text The Chinese Government could have done much more 20 years ago to avoid or to have a cleaner and less polluted Beijing, but they didn't and now people have many respiratory problems, the air pollution of Beijing hit a level of 755 on a scale that goes from 0 to 500 and according to the WHO below 25 is the safe daily level.
jueves, 19 de junio de 2014
Relatives' Reactions to Bloody Sunday Report [Summary]
As the title says the families of the killed people in the Bloody Sunday give their opinion of the report and tell the BBC what it was like the long wait for the official report to come out, many of them say what a relief it was for them and for their families and friends when the report came out after the long wait, many still suffer their loss but they are all happy that the truth has finally come out and that all the uncertainty has ended.
miércoles, 18 de junio de 2014
jueves, 15 de mayo de 2014
Letter of Protest
64 Sector Koprulu
Prime Minister David Cameron
10 Downing Street
15 May 2014
Dear Sr David Cameron,
I am friends with the McKinney family that lost their son in a sunday that seemed normal but turned out to be very bloody, I'm talking about the "Bloody Sunday". William McKinney was shot dad by the paratroopers. I had the chance to meet Willie and he was a very nice kid, he was studying to become a lawyer but he's career was cut short by this in excusable event and many others lives where taken with no reason at all and this is over the unacceptable.
Im particularly concerned about if you have thought about how the families felt when their innocent sons where killed by british soldiers which received no punishment at all, they even lied about what they did and what they didn't do, they just walked away free of punishment after taking or helping to take the lives of innocent protestants and even the lives of people who were walking close to where they randomly opened fire. Now more than thirty years from the "accident" the truth has finally been revealed, families are happy thats true but they have had to wait so much to only be able to say that their loved ones where innocent, thing that they already knew but that they couldn't confirm.
I have seen how much the McKinney family has suffered and I believe that the other families that have lost someone too have had to live with this uncertainty about what will be the resolution of the report for more than thirty years I think the soldiers that were involved event should be punished and they should give a public apologies to the families of the ones they harmed or killed. This would be the minimal showing of respect for the families that lost someone on that day.
Yours Sincerely,
Vicente Carmona
Yours Sincerely,
Vicente Carmona
martes, 13 de mayo de 2014
Steve Jobs
I. Vocabulary
What is the
meaning of the following words?
Geek: a digital-technology expert or enthusiast.
Tribute: a gift, testimonial, or the like, given as due or in acknowledgment of gratitude or
Reverberate: to re-echo or resound,
to rebound or recoil.
given to or characterized by fanciful or unpractical ideas, views, or schemes.
Glimpse: a very brief, passing look, sight, or view.
II. Say if
the following statements are true or false:
- Steve never betrayed a friend TRUE
- He has inspired the youngest generation TRUE
- If he needed a friend he would do anything for him FALSE
- It was difficult to
smile in a conversation with him TRUE
III. Answer
the following questions:
- When did Steve Jobs die? October
5, 2011.
- How did he die? He died of respiratory arrest related to the pancreatic tumor (cancer).
- What was the impact of his death? People knew his health was very bad
but anyways his death was very impactful, one the most creative,
intelligent and successful man had just died.
- What tributes did he receive? He has received many tributes like videos,
books and at the time of his death he received tributes created on the new
“i” devices he made.
- According to Jobs: What fact makes you realize that the world is
more than what you were taught?
That everything that surrounds
you was made up by people who are no smarter than you., and you can change it,
influence it and you can build your own things.
- Where did Steve J. spend his childhood? Silicon Valley.
- What did Jobs and Fernandez do together? They did electronic
projects together.
- Who introduced S. Jobs to S. Wozniak? Fernandez.
- What was the first invention together? How did it work? The pair
developed and electronics kit mimicking telephone router codes to make
free calls around the world, the pair moved from phone jacking for fun to
building the very first “Apple”.
- How did Robert Cringely meet both Steves? They met in a meeting of
the home group computer club at Palo Alto, specifically in a parking lot.
- What happened to Apple 1 in 2010? It attracted even more people and
it was sold for £110.000.
- What was Ronald Wayne’s participation in Apple’s early days? He
worked as a referee in a minor difference of opinion between Jobs and Wozniak.
- In what ways was calligraphy important in Job’s life? For a product
to be aesthetic it had to have good calligraphy and that dramatically
improved the user experience.
- What did Jobs do after dropping out of college? After dropping out
of college he went on the hippie trail, he travelled to India and he
studied Buddhism.
- Why was he interested in Zen Buddhism? Because he was looking to
understand the true nature of things.
- What company develop the first prototype mouse? Xerox Technology.
- What materials were used in the first Apple prototype mouse? The ball of a underarm deodorant and a
butter dish, that became the beginning part of the mouse.
miércoles, 23 de abril de 2014
BraveHeart Review
"They may take our lives but they will never take our
martes, 8 de abril de 2014
e-Petition | Soft Drink Machine
The soft drink machine is the most unreliable thing ever, sometimes it takes your money and gives you nothing other times it only has one type of soft drink, sometimes it doesn't even recognize your money and when this is not happening it's not even working. This has been going on since I arrived to the school, and nothing has ever been done about it, also when I was in 1st grade everything in the vending machine had the cost of 300 pesos but the price has doubled in only 7 years.
The drinks should be cheaper, the machine should be replaced for a new one that works well and they should include more soft drinks and water. Let's make this happen!
(122 Words)
The drinks should be cheaper, the machine should be replaced for a new one that works well and they should include more soft drinks and water. Let's make this happen!
(122 Words)
jueves, 3 de abril de 2014
British Political History | Listening Activity
1. - True
2. - False, 19th century
3. - False, Northern
4. - True
5. - True
6. - True/False, Some of the middle class
7. - False, 1928
1. - No it's not. It's not the Majesty's government at all.
2. - The house of commons is more relevant. The upper house only debates their posiciones and get their places there by herritage, the house of commons has the power over the laws and the y are elected by the people.
3. - Conservative Party, Liberal Democrate Party and the Labour Party.
4. - Becasue he is one of the most inspirational leaders in the history, he is campus for his tío finger victory salute.
5. - Thatcher is known as the iron lady and as Attila the Hen, Churchill is known as the British Bulldog and Blair is known as Bush's Poodle.
1. - True
2. - False, 19th century
3. - False, Northern
4. - True
5. - True
6. - True/False, Some of the middle class
7. - False, 1928
1. - No it's not. It's not the Majesty's government at all.
2. - The house of commons is more relevant. The upper house only debates their posiciones and get their places there by herritage, the house of commons has the power over the laws and the y are elected by the people.
3. - Conservative Party, Liberal Democrate Party and the Labour Party.
4. - Becasue he is one of the most inspirational leaders in the history, he is campus for his tío finger victory salute.
5. - Thatcher is known as the iron lady and as Attila the Hen, Churchill is known as the British Bulldog and Blair is known as Bush's Poodle.
martes, 1 de abril de 2014
Interational Organizations and Cooperation under Globalization
World Vision: World Vision is a Christian organization created in the USA in 1950 with the mision of assisting orphan children from South Korea.
World Trade Organization (WTO): This organization deals with the global rules of trade between nations, it was established in 1995.
United Nations (UN): The United Nations is a intergovernmental organization established in 1945 to promote national cooperation.
Greenpeace: This organization was created to protect the environment, it is present in all continents and it's an independent from each government, it runs out of volunteers and donations.
European Union (EU): The European Union is an economic and political union of 28 member states that are located in Europe.
International Money Fund (IMF): The IMF is an international organization that was created post World War II to assist the reconstruction of the world's international payment system.
1. - The advantage of the international organizations is that everyone can help each other rather than doing everything yourself if you are in a bad economic position.
2. - Because they are very big and they contribute a lot.
Source A:
3. - To protect the environment from anything that could damage it.
4. - Because they probably can't afford it and it would give the country no income at all.
5. - Because they want to maintain themselves independent.
6A. - Very Important.
6B. - Motivation to stop violence.
World Trade Organization (WTO): This organization deals with the global rules of trade between nations, it was established in 1995.
United Nations (UN): The United Nations is a intergovernmental organization established in 1945 to promote national cooperation.
Greenpeace: This organization was created to protect the environment, it is present in all continents and it's an independent from each government, it runs out of volunteers and donations.
European Union (EU): The European Union is an economic and political union of 28 member states that are located in Europe.
International Money Fund (IMF): The IMF is an international organization that was created post World War II to assist the reconstruction of the world's international payment system.
1. - The advantage of the international organizations is that everyone can help each other rather than doing everything yourself if you are in a bad economic position.
2. - Because they are very big and they contribute a lot.
Source A:
3. - To protect the environment from anything that could damage it.
4. - Because they probably can't afford it and it would give the country no income at all.
5. - Because they want to maintain themselves independent.
6A. - Very Important.
6B. - Motivation to stop violence.
domingo, 30 de marzo de 2014
The Catcher in the Rye Chapter 4 Q&A
1. - Holden and Stradlater are quite
different in age and in many other things, but besides all off the differences
I think they are friends because they mess around and they talk about anything
in a totally informal way. “I’m the one that's flunking out of the goddam
place, and you're asking me to write a goddamn composition". "Be a
buddy. Be a buddyroo. Okay".
2. - When Stradlater tells Holden that he’s
going out with a girl called Jane Gallagher he couldn’t believe it, Jane was
Holden's neighbour two summers ago and they used to play checkers, Holden
seemed to like her. "I'm thinking... Uh. Jane Gallagher. Boy I nearly
dropped dead when he said that". "Boy, was I excited, though. I
really was. Where is she?" "I oughta go down and say hello to her or
something. Where
is she?"
3. - Holden doesn’t go say hello to Jane
because he’s "not in the mood", he justifies saying that "you
have to be in the mood for those kind of things", I think this is the real
reason why doesn’t want to go say hello to her.
jueves, 27 de marzo de 2014
Trash Can
One day Zam was running away from the cops because he stole an M&M's
bag from an old woman. He noticed a way to jump to the stream and didn't think
it twice, he jumped to the stream and he started swimming away from the cops
but he dropped the M&M's bag when jumping so he swam back to where he
jumped from but saw the cops eating the M&M's, he got so mad he threw
thousands of rocks to the cops, after two minutes of nonstop throwing he
decided it was enough and he started swimming again until he reached the stream
games where he decided to hide in a trash can so that the cops would lose total
track of him. In the trash can he found a 20.000 pesos bill, 20 minutes after
he decided to jump out of the trash can and immediately after he ran towards
the churro shop, but when he was about to take the bill from his pocket he got
kicked to the ground. Unfortunately, two guys stole his bill. He shouted as
loud as he could and eventually the thief’s turned around and gave him his
bill, he was so happy he bought them churros and they lived happily ever after.
jueves, 13 de marzo de 2014
Secret Millionaire, my Thoughts
The millionaire is a half Irish half Egyptian
man called Nadim Sadek, he lives in his own island in Ireland, and he is participating
in a Reality TV Show called "Secret Millionaire" where very rich
people go undercover to a city and live there just with the necessary things,
they meet people or foundations that are in need of money for good causes, at
the end of the show they reveal themselves and donate money to the people that
they met and need that money. I think that this is a really good idea because
they get to meet people in a close way and then the get to help them with money
or something they really need that can make their lives much better. I’m
totally in favour of this idea and I think that it should be implemented in
other countries.
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