miércoles, 23 de abril de 2014

BraveHeart Review

BraveHeart is an inspiring historical war movie that was directed and starred by Mel Gibson, this epic film gives a very real vision of how the world was 700 years ago and how the English treated their island companions, the scots. This movie is about a scot rebel named William Wallace that got his dad, brother and wife killed by the English, he seeks revenge and to free Scotland once and for all. With help of his friends and other clans he is able to free his home village and he later defeats part of the English northern army and he takes possession of a English castle shortly after, he starts becoming a "legend" all over the British isles, the princess of England falls in love with him and tries to "help" him in everything he does. He then gets betrayed by his Scottish allies and he loses an important battle where he almost loses his life too, he then goes through a lot of problems and he finally gets ambushed by English soldiers in a Scottish village and he sent to the English royal castle and he is later executed in public but his last word was not "please mercy" it was FREEEEDOM, when he says that you just get a chill and you can't believe that he is dead, this movie really keeps you thinking for at least a day and you just wish the movie would have not ended that way, movies that make you feel like this are the ones that stand up over others and that can be named awesome. I would totally recommend this movie to anyone that wants to learn a bit of history or just wants to have a good time and it will keep you stuck in the couch the whole 177 minutes of film and it will even keep you looking at the credits for hints of a second part or something. This movie totally deserves five stars and as much recognition as it can get because it's a real beastly production. 

                 "They may take our lives but they will never take our


The Catcher In The Rye Middle Age Setting


martes, 8 de abril de 2014

e-Petition | Soft Drink Machine

The soft drink machine is the most unreliable thing ever, sometimes it takes your money and gives you nothing other times it only has one type of soft drink, sometimes it doesn't even recognize your money and when this is not happening it's not even working. This has been going on since I arrived to the school, and nothing has ever been done about it, also when I was in 1st grade everything in the vending machine had the cost of 300 pesos but the price has doubled in only 7 years.

The drinks should be cheaper, the machine should be replaced for a new one that works well and they should include more soft drinks and water. Let's make this happen!

(122 Words)

jueves, 3 de abril de 2014

British Political History | Listening Activity


1. - True
2. - False, 19th century
3. - False, Northern
4. - True
5. - True
6. - True/False, Some of the middle class
7. - False, 1928


1. - No it's not. It's not the Majesty's government at all.

2. - The house of commons is more relevant. The upper house only debates their posiciones and get their places there by herritage, the house of commons has the power over the laws and the y are elected by the people.

3. - Conservative Party, Liberal Democrate Party and the Labour Party.

4. - Becasue he is one of the most inspirational leaders in the history, he is campus for his tío finger victory salute.

5. - Thatcher is known as the iron lady and as Attila the Hen, Churchill is known as the British Bulldog and Blair is known as Bush's Poodle.

martes, 1 de abril de 2014

Interational Organizations and Cooperation under Globalization

World Vision: World Vision is a Christian organization created in the USA in 1950 with the mision of assisting orphan children from South Korea.

World Trade Organization (WTO): This organization deals with the global rules of trade between nations, it was established in 1995.

United Nations (UN): The United Nations is a intergovernmental organization established in 1945 to promote national cooperation.

Greenpeace: This organization was created to protect the environment, it is present in all continents and it's an independent from each government, it runs out of volunteers and donations.

European Union (EU): The European Union is an economic and political union of 28 member states that are located in Europe.

International Money Fund (IMF): The IMF is an international organization that was created post World War II to assist the reconstruction of the world's international payment system.

1. - The advantage of the international organizations is that everyone can help each other rather than doing everything yourself if you are in a bad economic position.

2. - Because they are very big and they contribute a lot.

Source A:

3. - To protect the environment from anything that could damage it.

4. - Because they probably can't afford it and it would give the country no income at all.

5. - Because they want to maintain themselves independent.

6A. - Very Important.
6B. - Motivation to stop violence.