jueves, 20 de agosto de 2015

Setting, Time and Place

a) According to the text, what makes this place special is that its inhabitants don't really care about the things that are happening apart from what happens in Maycomb Country they dismiss that thereis segregation between poor and rich people and colored and white ones.

b) What things I think are universal are the discrimination that happens in there. Also I think that the way people looked at how much they earn or have before getting involved with them.

c) I think that nowadays there is less racial problems than at that time, but this doesn't mean there are none. But I also think people still look at the social status of a person before getting involved with them.

sábado, 20 de junio de 2015

Speech Analysis

In this speech ex-President Ronald Reagan shares his toughs and give his condolences to the families and friends of the Challengers shuttle crew, the Challenger Seven, who lost their lives seconds after take off  due to the vehicles breakup, the speech was delivered the same day of the disaster, January 28 1986. In this speech he praises the Challengers crew and he addresses them as daring, brave and pioneers. He appeals to emotions, specifically empathy meaning he uses pathos, you can also identify the use of ethos which refers to the trustworthiness of the speaker, but not directly in the speech like "US President Ronald Reagan here" but as the speech was broadcast through television you can see it was delivered from the Oval Office at the White House which put hims in a position of power. As to rhetorical devices in this speech you can identify the us of allusion when he compares the Challenger crew to Sir Francis Drake who coincidentally died that same day three hundred and ninety ago, the intention of this is to highlight the crews dedication and how they wanted to expand man's frontiers, just like Sir Francis Drake wanted. Another rhetorical device used in this speech is alliteration which consists of putting words with similar commencement together so that these words emphasize each other and are embed in the audience's mind.

The speech does achieve its goal to gently address the families of the lost ones and to explain how this things happen when expanding frontiers, the speaker speaks for the country and to the country, but in a special way because this country he speaks for is portrayed in his wife Nancy, "Nancy and I are pained to the core" after this he proceeds to employ the word "our" to talk about the country, the space program and the space quest but not with the intention to say that all of that is Nancy's and his but its the countries. He also speaks about freedom appealing to their constitution therefore patriotism.

I believe the speaker delivers the speech in a perfect fashion regarding the speeches theme and he convinces the audience how in pain all the country feels for the national loss.


Bibliography: 20/06/2015 CLT 16:30








martes, 28 de abril de 2015

Propaganda Techniques

I consider that one of the most effective techniques is the Bandwagon technique that consists of showing numeral facts about a product such as "over 99 billion served" and inviting you to be part of a group of people that are users of the promoted product, I believe that this is the best technique because of its simplicity and the way it makes people think the product is better just because a lot of people use it, you are convinced into buying the promoted product not because it is good or because of its price, because it's "popular", people tend to think that because of its popularity its worth their money, which in some cases is not.

             In this case they try to get your vote trough statistics.

In the other hand I consider the testimonial technique to be the worst one (less effective) because it's expensive, you have to pay the famous personality to work with you and you can't completely relay on its effectiveness because lets say the celebrity you worked with to create your "hydrogen free water" propaganda is caught speeding and drunk, he will lose popularity and so will your propaganda.

      Rihanna, CoverGirl (makeup company)

lunes, 13 de abril de 2015


Everything has a starting point, good things and bad things and there is one organization whose role seems to be the starting point of bad things. Wiki leaks, the organization that is in many cases the creator of tension, uncertainty and conflict, from October 4th 2008 up to now this terrorist organization has been posting confidential information from all around the globe, information that is not meant for the public eye, information that causes fear and controversy which leads people to take their sides and can divide a whole country or turn people against their respective government, this self proclaimed journalistic organization that opens  governments soul purpose is to publish secret information, news leaks and classified media.

The leaked information posted in this site exposes our government to the whole world meaning terrorist organizations get our classified information fed to them in a silver platter, it can lead other countries to lose trust on us, countries can stop offering help because of the fear of that shared information could be leaked, this would overall cripple our international relationships and diplomacy which is our only tool to not engage in any kind of conflict with other countries that could very well lead to war that is something that we must avoid at all costs. It is very important to note that not all information posted in this site is completely true of it could be a little fixed from its original state which can lead to problematic misunderstandings.

I'm going to tell you about Bob, a 34 year old man who works on a gas station and gets paid close to the minimum wage, him and his wife have enough money to live and to raise their child but not in the optimal conditions or even close to what they would like to, one day Bob goes on wiki leaks and he sees an article whose title is "Maryland Government to reduce the minimum hourly paid wage to $7.00" Bob doesn't hesitate in telling his wife and later telling his friends and co-workers and the rumor spreads quickly, walkouts and strike start appearing around the state and some citizens and law enforcement troops are injured. For absolutely no reason at all because the supposed a minimum wage reduction was only a mere plan in the government that had been already rejected, it only took two days for the government to deny it but it was already too late because the events had already happened, many arrested and injured people just because wiki leaks didn't get or post the complete story.

For these given reasons I propose to manufacture a a group of laws whose goals are to ban wiki leaks from the country and upgrade all our internet security to extinguish the possibility of leaks. It will be an obligation for all organization a companies in the U.S. that handle classified and important information to to install the necessary security to prevent any type of leaks or hacks into their classified files. We will work along with the FBI and all the internet providers and the in the country to track down and shut down all wiki leaks servers spread around the country.

This will not be easy or cheap but everything invested in this project will be regained in the later diminishing of disturbances due to the less tension there will be because of the non-existence of information that is not meant for the public eye thing that will lead to a safer and happier country.

We will be able to re-establish connections with other countries as their fear of information leak will be nonexistent therefore our diplomatic relationships will be stronger.

With this measures as well as severe punishment to anyone who intentionally leaks information or media that should be kept secret from the public eye we will be one step closer to the elimination of the fear of leaks insert in this country and diplomacy will be a more secure tool to solve national and international problems. We will avoid misunderstandings that could have led to conflicts and war.

Other countries will follow our same steps and all organizations with the same purposes as wiki leaks will start disappearing and governments around the world will regain the confidentiality they need to operate and the fear of leaks will not be a problem anymore.

In conclusion I am proposing a safer country, better diplomatic and international relationships all by the strengthening of our internet security and the slow elimination of wiki leaks from our beloved country, but the first step to achieve this is with your support and feedback on this ambitious plan. I now leave it in your hands to decide for a safer and happier country or not.

Thank you~

Words: 795


Source 1 Visited: 13/04/2015 18:13:53

Source 2 Visited: 13/04/2015 18:14:30

Source 3 Visited: 13/04/2015 18:15:11

viernes, 10 de abril de 2015


My written task relates to wiki leaks and how it can impact modern society and diplomacy. I will be impersonating a member of the U.S. parliament whose goal is to propose a new law through a speech.

I will mainly refer to the cons and negative side of wiki leaks, I will explain what posts can lead to such as tension, fear, conflicts and misunderstandings which will diminish if my proposed idea gets a positive acceptance in the parliament.

The new law I will be proposing will restrict the use of wiki leaks and ban its use from the country as well as everything connected to it to prevent and avoid any conflict or contradictions produced by the site as well as the obligation of every company and organization that handles important and confidential information to install better cyber security and encryption.

I will convince my audience by my deep study on what leaked information or media can lead to and I will try to convey this anti wiki leaks ideology through the approach of extreme situations like war and terrorism and a example of how leaked incomplete information can lead to great damages and harmed people.

This speech is intended to convince his audience through crude and strong ideas and examples to put wiki leaks in a semi terrorist organization position and achieve my goal of inserting these ideas into my audience's minds and therefore making them supporters of my propositions. 

Words: 243