miércoles, 3 de octubre de 2012

   To do List        |         Meetings and Activities      
Make beds this                 Sep. 25
weekend                          16:30 pm
Vicente                             Take Vicente to Sailing Class            

Clean up the                     Sep. 9
house this                         4:15 pm
weekend                           Family trip to the zoo
everyone but
Vicente                             Sep. 29
                                        10:00 am                 
Pick up the                        Meeting with the English teacher
kids at school
this week

 Meal Planning     |               Shopping                         

Friday                          Buy basketball shoes for
French Fries with         Vicente
spicy chicken    
                                   Saturday meat sale!
Saturday                     Buy lots of meat
Meat with rice    
                                   Buy Vicente a new              
Sunday                        gaming PC    

viernes, 28 de septiembre de 2012

Family Strenghts

1.-All of them have strenghts.

2.-His dad said good job son while his mother was crying in the kitchen, parents have different ways to show love.

3.-Her mom gave her a "I Love U" present.

4.-That they where al separated but know they all share the same Zip code.

5.-That the family is not anly the "blood" family also the people that cares about you.

Sorry,I failed finding the questions in the 7th grade webpage.

jueves, 30 de agosto de 2012

Letter of Application

Wednesday, Aug 22

Dear Mr George

I'm writing to you beacuse I saw that you need someone to clean up cars.

I want this job because I really need money and I need to use some of my extra time, I think i'm the best for this job because: I have lots of experience cleaning cars and I can work up to four hours a day.

I look forward to recieveing your anwer soon.

Yors sincerely

Vicente Carmona Montedonico

The San Viator School of Ovalle and The Kingstown School Differences and Similarities

San Viator and The Kingstown School are different in many ways but they are also alike in other ways.For example they are both school that have facilities, like ball court, football court, labs playgrounds.They are also similar in that both schools have to do the PSU and the SIMCE.The basic subjects of San Viator are the same as the basic subjects of the Kingstown School.The subjects are Math, Spanish,Science, Social, Art, Music.The activities of the San Viator resembles to the activities of the KIngstown School, like football, basketball, ping pong.

The San Viator and The Kingstown School are both Chilean school they are different in many ways.
The San Viator School has many schools around the world whilst The Kingstown School has only one.
They are also different in that The Kingstown School considers English very important whilst The San Viator School, based on the information found, it seems that English is not very important as the other school.
Another way in which they differ is that the San Viator has a very strong concept of religion whilst The Kingstown School, based on the information found, it seems that religion is not so important.

Finally we can say that the San Viator and The Kingstown School have many similarities but they also have many differences.

miércoles, 29 de agosto de 2012


Usher video, questions and answers.

1) What TV show did he star in as a mentor?
In American Idol

2) How did he feel participating in the show?
He thinks that it was great

3) What is Usher's second name?

4) What is the name of his last cd?
Raymond vs. Raymond

5) Where does Usher get his inspiration?
In his personal life

6) How many kids does Usher have?
He has 2 kids

7) What does he think about fatherhood?
That he had to make a lot of changes in his life, but it’s the most gratify thing in the life.

Final Reflection, Comparing two Schools

I learned in this project that The Mackay School and St Margaret's School aren't the only schools in Viña del Mar that give good level in English and that they are lot's of good schools in all Chile.

Click Here to enter to the Glog!!

Task Colegio San Viator de Ovalle

General Information
1. What is the name of the school?
Colegio San Viator Ovalle
2. What is the school timetable?
No information present
3. What type of school is it?
It is a private school with an important place for religion.
4. Where is it located?
 Street Antonio Tirado 330
Ovalle, Coquimbo, Chile.
5. How many students does it have?
No information present
6. What are the school's facilities?
ball court, football court.

Academic information
7. What information can you find about this school's results (PSU, SIMCE, others)?
In the PSU exam they got  602.06 Language Test and Mathematical Test 612.5 with an average of 607.3 in both tests.
8. What  subjects seem to be important in this school?
9. What information about the teachers can be found?
No information present
10. Is there information about student's academic achievements? Which one?
No information present
11. How do they incorporate technology?
Well they  have a lab with cumputers
12. Is learning English important? how?
In this school aparently no
Extracurricular activities
13. What sports can be practiced in this school? Do they participate in tournaments or competitions? which ones?
You can practice basketball, handball, volleyball, table tennis, football and chess.They have participed in football competitions
14. What artistic activities are important in this school?
 Drums, keyboard, guitar, choir and folklore ens.básica
15. What type of social activities do they have?
They practice the Christian faith, and they teach their students into helping poor people.
Personal opinion
16. What calls your attention from this school?
The intense religion concepts
17. Which extracurricular activity would be your favorite?
I think that football
18. What is your overall impression?
I think that it is a god school that teach you how to be god in your life.

miércoles, 18 de julio de 2012

Task The Kingstown School

General Information:

1. What is the name of the school?
The Kingstown School

2. What is the school timetable?
No information provided

3. What type of school is it?

4. Where is it located?
Viña del Mar, Reñaca Alto

5. How many students does it have?
No information provided

6. What are the school's facilities?
Multitalleres rooms.
Learning Resource Center.
Voleiboll Indoor Arena.
Audiovisual Room.
Laboratory Sciences.
Clay Tennis Courts.
2 rooms of links.
Weightlifting Hall.
Soccer field (synthetic grass)
Music Room.
Arts Hall.

Academic information

7. What information can you find about this school's results (PSU, SIMCE, others)?
Lectura: 284 
Matemática: 279
Ciencias Naturales: 285.
English: 121promedio 2010Comparación con puntaje promedio nacionalPrueba SIMCEInglésComparación con establecimientos del mi

8. What  subjects seem to be important in this school?
Religion, Science and English

9. What information about the teachers can be found?

°Teacher's NameProfessional DegreeAcademic Degree
1Mr. Arancibia Henríquez MiguelGeneral Inspector / Physical EducationBachelor's degree in Education
2Mrs. Aravena Miranda Natalia BeatrizKindergarten TeacherBachelor's degree in Preschool Education
3Mrs. Avaria Saldías Ma. ConsueloPhysical EducationBachelor's degree in Education
4Miss Ayala Contreras DanielaMathematicsBachelor's degree in Education
5Miss Camus Zapata TyareElementary EducationBachelor's degree in Education
6Mr. Cantuarias Fuica GonzaloMusic ArtBachelor's degree in Education
7Miss Carvajal Borquez JohanaElementary EducationBachelor's degree in Education
8Miss Castillo Straube BiancaBiology and ScienceBachelor's degree in Education
9Miss Castro Cabrera CarolinaHistoryBachelor's degree in Education
10Miss Castro Vargas CatalinaMathematicsBachelor's degree in Education
11Miss Cifuentes Romo AntoniaKindergarten TeacherBachelor's degree in Preschool Education
12Mr. Clavijo González MaykellElementary EducationBachelor's degree in Education
13Mrs. Crichton Campodonico DanielaSpanish LanguageBachelor's degree in Education
14Miss Estica Rivas Lilian AndreaHistoryBachelor's degree in Education
15Mr. Flores Bazaes GonzaloEnglishBachelor's degree in Education
Bachelor's degree in English Language
Certificate in fundamental issues in language and learning
16Miss Gavilán Silva PaulaPsychologistBachelor's degree in Education
17Mr. Guerra Ulloa FreddyChemistry and ScienceBachelor's degree in Education
18Mr. Guerrero Vilches Jose LuisEnglishBachelor's degree in Education
19Mrs. Henríquez Fajardo ZulemaElementary EducationBachelor's degree in Education
20Miss Henríquez Palominos Ana MaríaPhysical EducationBachelor's degree in Education
21Miss Herrera Martínez NatalyVisual ArtBachelor's degree in Education
22Miss Hevia Páez LinaCurriculum Oversight Committe (UTP) P.E.Bachelor's degree in Education
Post Graduate degree in Educational Planning and Assessment
23Miss Martínez Morales AlejandraElementary EducationBachelor's degree in Education
24Mr. Molina Pérez JaimePrincipal / HistoryBachelor's degree in Education
Master's degree in Educational Leadership and Management
25Mr. Muñoz Astudillo AndrésPhysical EducationBachelor's degree in Education
26Miss Muñoz Urbina SandraEnglishBachelor's degree in Education
27Mrs. Obligado Donoso EvelynGeneral Inspector / Elementary EducationBachelor's degree in Education
28Mrs. Olivares Koyck CeciliaSpanish LanguageBachelor's degree in Education
29Mr. Orellana Muñoz MarceloTechnology EducationBachelor's degree in Education
30Mr. Ormazábal Acevedo MarcosPhilosophyBachelor's degree in Education
31Mr. Ossandón González NicholásEnglishBachelor's degree in Education
Minor in Translation and Consecutive Interpreting
32Mr. Parada Toledo Luis MauricioPhysical EducationBachelor's degree in Education
33Miss Pereira Torres KarinaElementary EducationBachelor's degree in Education
Master's degree in Educational Leadership and Management
34Miss Pérez Muñoz AngélicaKindergarten TeacherBachelor's degree in Preschool Education
35Mr. Plaza Santana JesúsHead Teaching Methods HS
Biology and Science
Bachelor's degree in Education
36Mrs. Rivera Estay BrisaElementary EducationBachelor's degree in Education
37Mrs. Rodríguez Zavala MarcelaElementary EducationBachelor's degree in Education
38Miss Rojas Martínez MaríaReligion and MoralBachelor's degree in Education
39Miss Rojas Rojas VivianaBiology ScienceBachelor's degree in Education
40Mrs. Román Toro MarcelaVisual ArtBachelor's degree in Education
41Mrs. Salgado Peters ClaudiaPsychologistBachelor's degree in Education
42Miss Sepúlveda Aguirre PaulaMathematicsBachelor's degree in Education
43Mrs. Soto Jamet IngridElementary EducationBachelor's degree in Education
44Mr. Toro Quezada MarcoPhysical EducationBachelor's degree in Education
45Mrs. Vásquez Bernarles PaulinaElementary EducationBachelor's degree in Education
46Mrs. Vásquez Bernales MelissaElementary EducationBachelor's degree in Education
47Mr. Vásquez Palma GiussepeHistoryBachelor's degree in Education
Major in History of Art and Conservation of the Cultural Patrimony
48Mrs. Vásquez Zavala KatherinaKindergarten TeacherBachelor's degree in Preschool Education
49Mr. Vega Farías OscarGeneral Inspector / ChemistryBachelor's degree in Education
50Mrs. Zegers Zuleta CarolinaSpanish LanguageBachelor's degree in Education

10. Is there information about student's academic achievements? Which one?
No information provided

11. How do they incorporate technology?
They dont, but they got a webpage.

12. Is learning English important? how?
Yes because they will have more facilities when finding a job.

Extracurricular activities

13. What sports can be practiced in this school? Do they participate in tournaments or
competitions? which ones?
You can practice football, the school have participed in the sub 15 football tournament.

14. What artistic activities are important in this school?
Music Pre K-2 GBS

15. What type of social activities do they have?
Field trips
Career Expo

Personal opinion
16. What calls your attention from this school?
That it is a bilingual school and has a lot of activities.

17. Which extracurricular activity would be your favorite?
Advanced English

18. What is your overall impression?
It's a good shoool

martes, 3 de julio de 2012

Why To Study In The Mackay School? My 5 Reasons

1:-It's a bilingual school and has a very good ranking.
2:-It has a lot of focus in sport's specially in Rugby, that is the schools main sport.
3:-It has very good teachers and student's.
4:-You have acces to the IB.
5:-Vicente Carmona studies there.

Picture Description

1:-The Teacher is sustaining her smile.
2:-I'm sustaining my smile.
3:-Almost everyone is sustaining their smiles.
4:-The Prefect is blinking his eyes.
5-Pablo Vallejo is blinking his eyes.
6-I'm looking hungry.
7.-Everyone is looking hungry.

miércoles, 27 de junio de 2012

New Version Of The Tiger Short

A rebelious tiger escaped from the zoo the other day and wandered into the school grounds. The tiny gates were opened at the time and nobody saw the tiger enter. When the noisy bell rang for playtime, all the children went running out to have their break and to eat their disgusting sandwiches. At first, none of the blind  children noticed the tiger, except for one inteligent girl who was sitting talking to her friend. she heard a noise behind her and when she turned round she saw the tiger looking at her, licking his giant lips with his tongue because he was thirsty and hungry. The girl wasn't sure what to do and just sat there with her sandwich down in the ground so the tiger could eat it, and slowly got up and walked away. What a brave girl!

The words in red are the included adjectives.

lunes, 25 de junio de 2012

Voice Thread

Hello my name is Vicente, I wake up at 6:10 am I take a shower then I have breakfast and then the school bus picks me up at 6:40 I arrive at school at 7:20 app, there I have half an hour to talk with my friends and study if I have a test that day, then. At 7:50 the teacher arrives and we have classes until 10:00 am when is our first break then we have more classes and two more breaks until lunch time that's at 1:45 pm, next we have 2 more hours of classes and we go home some student’s have academy's so they stay until around 6:00 pm. When I get home I have something to eat and I play pc or something else and at 7:00 pm I shut down the pc and I do my homework and study until 9:00, at 9:00 pm I put my pyjamas on and I have something to eat, then I brush my teeth and go to bed where I read my corresponding book for school then I play with my Ipod and at 10:00 pm I’m sleeping.

sábado, 23 de junio de 2012

Weekly Summary

This week we learnt how to use VoiceThread an online webpage to record our voice answering to something (Click Here) and we also started a new unit called School and Study.

martes, 1 de mayo de 2012

A Christmas Carol

Felipe Fuentes: Scrooge
Maximiliano Gallardo: Ghost of the Future
Gaspar Martinez: Little Boy, Boy Scrooge and Nephew.
Vicente Carmona: Jacob, Cratshit.
José Tomas: Ghost of the Present.
Carlo Schiappacasse: Ghost of the Past.

Act 1
Scene 1
It was London, 1843, during Christmas, there was a man named Scrooge that was working in his office with his employed Cratshit. Whenthe nephew of Scrooge enters in the room.
(There are two desks, with their respective chairs and a clothes hanger with the hat and the coat of Scrooge)(Lights turn on)
Nephew: (Happily) Hi uncle, merry Christmas.
Scrooge: (Sirius) Nonsense.
Nephew: (Animated) Christmas is not nonsense uncle. You don’t mean that I’m sure.
Scrooge: (In a bad mood) Oh, but I do. Merry Christmas ¿What reason you have to be merry? You are poor.
Nephew: (Happy) Oh, come on, ¿What reason you have to be unhappy?  You are rich enough.
Scrooge: (Angry) Bah, nonsense.
Nephew: (compassionate) Don’t get angry uncle.
Scrooge: (Angry) What else can I be? If it’s going to be my decision, every person that says merry Christmas should be boiled in his own pudding.
Nephew: (Unhappy) Uncle!
Scrooge: (Angry) Keep Christmas in your own way and let me keep it in my.
Nephew: (Slow)Don’t be angry uncle, (happily) comes dine with as tomorrow.
Scrooge:  (Stubbornly) Never. (Sirius) Good afternoon.
Nephew: (Unhappy) I’m sorry with all my heart, to find you so stubborn, but I will keep my Christmas humour to the last, so, merry Christmas uncle and a happy new year.
Scrooge: (Sirius) Good afternoon.
Nephew: (Happy) Merry Christmas Mister Cratchit.
Cratchit: (Softly) Merry Christmas sir.
Scrooge: (Shouting) Good afternoon.
(Nephew gets out of the scenery, a seconds after he leave the scenery Scrooge and Cratchit finish their work and Cratchit helps Scrooge to put on his coat and hat)
Scrooge: I suppose you will want all Christmas free.
Cratchit: (Shy) If is convenient sir.
Scrooge: (Embittered) Is not convenient and is not right. If I deduct half a crown you would consider an abuse of me. But it’s not an abuse when I pay wages in a day without work.
Cratchit: (Softly) Is only one time a year sir.
Scrooge: (Sarcastic) Good excuse robbing a man every December 25. You will be here at first hour in the morning tomorrow, if you want to conserve the work.
(Scrooge and Cratshit leave the scenery, lights off)

Scene 2
(Scrooge is in pyjamas and he is reading in his couch, when he suddenly hears the sound of bells, then he hears footsteps and chains moving, and finally a ghost appears in the room)
Scrooge: (Confuse and frightened) But… What do you want of my?
Jacob: (Ghost voce)You don’t believe me?
Scrooge: (Confident) I don’t, because you maybe arean undigested bit of beef or a piece of undercooked potato.
Jacob: (In that moment delivers a huge shout) I’m wearing the chains I forge in my life and now I have to carry them for the eternity.
Scrooge: No, no you were always a good man of business.
Jacob: (Shouting) Business? Humanity was my business. (He waits a few seconds and then he continues) Hear me; I am here tonight to warn you that you have a chance of escaping of my destiny. You will be visited by three sprits. The First will visit you tomorrow at 1:00. The Second will visit you the next day at the same hour. The Third will visit you the next night at mid night.
(Jacob shout and then he disappears, lights off)

Scene 3
(Scrooge is in his bed sleeping when he awake with the sound of a bell. His bedroom was full of light and a spirit was in his room)
Scrooge: (Exhausted) Are you the spirit, sir, whose coming was foretold to my?
Past: I’m
Scrooge: (Confuse) Who and what are you?
Past: I am the Ghost of Christmas Past.
Scrooge: (Calm) What brings you here?
Past: Your welfare. Take my hand and come with me. 
(Scrooge and Past gets outs the scenery, lights off)

(There is a boy reading, Scrooge and Past enters in the scenery, lights on)
Scrooge: (Happy) Oh, I remember this place, I was a boy here.
Past: This are only shadows of something that has been. (The ghost to a pause and then he continues) The school is not completely empty, there is a solitary boy,abandoned by his friends, is still in the school.
Scrooge: (Unhappy) Poor boy.
Past: Let’s see another Christmas.
(Scrooge and Past left the scenery, lights off)

(There are three desks with their chair and one person in each chair, lights on, Scrooge and Past enters in thescenery)
Past: Do you know this place?
Scrooge: (Happy) Of course, I was an apprentice here. And there is the old Fezziwig.
(A bell rings and Fizziwig stop working)
Fezziwig: (Happily) No more work tonight , is Christmas. It’s time to close put a way everything the party will began.
(In that minute people enters in the local and they started dancing, then lights off)
Scene 4
(Scrooge is in his bed sleeping when he awake with the sound of a bell. His bedroom was full of light and a spirit was in his room)
Present: Come Ebenezer Scrooge, and know me better. I am the ghost of Christmas Present. You have never see the lights of me before.
(Scrooge shakes his head)
Scrooge: (Timdly) Spirit conduct me where you want, if you have something to teach me, let me profit by it.
Present: Touch mi clothes.
 (When Scrooge just touches the clothes the lights go out)

(There is a table with chairs and people in the room, Scrooge and Present are in the room seen all that happens in Cratchit house, in that moment, Cratchit enters in the room with Tim)
Cratchits wife:How did Tim behaves?
Cratchit: As good as gold.
(Then Cratchit family sits on the table)
Cratchit: Merry Christmas to all my dears.God bless as.
(And the rest of the family folow he)
Scrooge: (Fearful) Spirit tell me,Tim will live.
Present:I see an empty seat,in a corner in front of the chimney,and a crutch without an owner carefully preserved. If this shadow don’t change at the future the boy will die.
(Bells rang and the lights off)
Scene 5
                   (There is low light,Scrooge is now with the third ghost)
Scrooge:I am in presence of the ghost of the Christmas future?You will show me the shadows of the things that not happen, but will happen in a time before.
Future: (The ghost says yes with the head)
Scrooge: guide me spirit,guideme.
(Lights off)
(They appear in a graveyard, lights on.)(Future is pointing a stone)
Scrooge: Spirit before I approached to the stone you are pointing, can you answer one question. Are these the shadows of things that would happen or shadows may happen?
(Future continuous pointing the stone and Scrooge saw that the inscription was his name)
Scrooge: (Frightened)No, no spirit I change give me a chance, chance.
(Lights off)

(Lights on, Scrooge is on his bed awake and surprise, and he is laughing)
Scrooge: (while walking in the room) The spirits have giving me another chance. I don’t know what to do. (He saw his calendar)Today is Christmas, I have to remedy all the things I do.
(Scrooge leaves the scenery, lights off)

(There are two desks, with their respective chairs, lights on; Scrooge is sited in one of them, in that minute Cratchit enters in the office.)
Scrooge: Hello…and what do you mean by coming here at this time day?
Cratchit: (nervous)I am very sorry sir. Is only ones a year, it should not be repeated.
Scrooge: Now, I will tell you what, my friend. I will not hold up this longer, and therefore I am about to raise your salary and will strive to help your family. Merry Christmas Bob.
(Lights off)
The end