miércoles, 18 de julio de 2012

Task The Kingstown School

General Information:

1. What is the name of the school?
The Kingstown School

2. What is the school timetable?
No information provided

3. What type of school is it?

4. Where is it located?
Viña del Mar, Reñaca Alto

5. How many students does it have?
No information provided

6. What are the school's facilities?
Multitalleres rooms.
Learning Resource Center.
Voleiboll Indoor Arena.
Audiovisual Room.
Laboratory Sciences.
Clay Tennis Courts.
2 rooms of links.
Weightlifting Hall.
Soccer field (synthetic grass)
Music Room.
Arts Hall.

Academic information

7. What information can you find about this school's results (PSU, SIMCE, others)?
Lectura: 284 
Matemática: 279
Ciencias Naturales: 285.
English: 121promedio 2010Comparación con puntaje promedio nacionalPrueba SIMCEInglésComparación con establecimientos del mi

8. What  subjects seem to be important in this school?
Religion, Science and English

9. What information about the teachers can be found?

°Teacher's NameProfessional DegreeAcademic Degree
1Mr. Arancibia Henríquez MiguelGeneral Inspector / Physical EducationBachelor's degree in Education
2Mrs. Aravena Miranda Natalia BeatrizKindergarten TeacherBachelor's degree in Preschool Education
3Mrs. Avaria Saldías Ma. ConsueloPhysical EducationBachelor's degree in Education
4Miss Ayala Contreras DanielaMathematicsBachelor's degree in Education
5Miss Camus Zapata TyareElementary EducationBachelor's degree in Education
6Mr. Cantuarias Fuica GonzaloMusic ArtBachelor's degree in Education
7Miss Carvajal Borquez JohanaElementary EducationBachelor's degree in Education
8Miss Castillo Straube BiancaBiology and ScienceBachelor's degree in Education
9Miss Castro Cabrera CarolinaHistoryBachelor's degree in Education
10Miss Castro Vargas CatalinaMathematicsBachelor's degree in Education
11Miss Cifuentes Romo AntoniaKindergarten TeacherBachelor's degree in Preschool Education
12Mr. Clavijo González MaykellElementary EducationBachelor's degree in Education
13Mrs. Crichton Campodonico DanielaSpanish LanguageBachelor's degree in Education
14Miss Estica Rivas Lilian AndreaHistoryBachelor's degree in Education
15Mr. Flores Bazaes GonzaloEnglishBachelor's degree in Education
Bachelor's degree in English Language
Certificate in fundamental issues in language and learning
16Miss Gavilán Silva PaulaPsychologistBachelor's degree in Education
17Mr. Guerra Ulloa FreddyChemistry and ScienceBachelor's degree in Education
18Mr. Guerrero Vilches Jose LuisEnglishBachelor's degree in Education
19Mrs. Henríquez Fajardo ZulemaElementary EducationBachelor's degree in Education
20Miss Henríquez Palominos Ana MaríaPhysical EducationBachelor's degree in Education
21Miss Herrera Martínez NatalyVisual ArtBachelor's degree in Education
22Miss Hevia Páez LinaCurriculum Oversight Committe (UTP) P.E.Bachelor's degree in Education
Post Graduate degree in Educational Planning and Assessment
23Miss Martínez Morales AlejandraElementary EducationBachelor's degree in Education
24Mr. Molina Pérez JaimePrincipal / HistoryBachelor's degree in Education
Master's degree in Educational Leadership and Management
25Mr. Muñoz Astudillo AndrésPhysical EducationBachelor's degree in Education
26Miss Muñoz Urbina SandraEnglishBachelor's degree in Education
27Mrs. Obligado Donoso EvelynGeneral Inspector / Elementary EducationBachelor's degree in Education
28Mrs. Olivares Koyck CeciliaSpanish LanguageBachelor's degree in Education
29Mr. Orellana Muñoz MarceloTechnology EducationBachelor's degree in Education
30Mr. Ormazábal Acevedo MarcosPhilosophyBachelor's degree in Education
31Mr. Ossandón González NicholásEnglishBachelor's degree in Education
Minor in Translation and Consecutive Interpreting
32Mr. Parada Toledo Luis MauricioPhysical EducationBachelor's degree in Education
33Miss Pereira Torres KarinaElementary EducationBachelor's degree in Education
Master's degree in Educational Leadership and Management
34Miss Pérez Muñoz AngélicaKindergarten TeacherBachelor's degree in Preschool Education
35Mr. Plaza Santana JesúsHead Teaching Methods HS
Biology and Science
Bachelor's degree in Education
36Mrs. Rivera Estay BrisaElementary EducationBachelor's degree in Education
37Mrs. Rodríguez Zavala MarcelaElementary EducationBachelor's degree in Education
38Miss Rojas Martínez MaríaReligion and MoralBachelor's degree in Education
39Miss Rojas Rojas VivianaBiology ScienceBachelor's degree in Education
40Mrs. Román Toro MarcelaVisual ArtBachelor's degree in Education
41Mrs. Salgado Peters ClaudiaPsychologistBachelor's degree in Education
42Miss Sepúlveda Aguirre PaulaMathematicsBachelor's degree in Education
43Mrs. Soto Jamet IngridElementary EducationBachelor's degree in Education
44Mr. Toro Quezada MarcoPhysical EducationBachelor's degree in Education
45Mrs. Vásquez Bernarles PaulinaElementary EducationBachelor's degree in Education
46Mrs. Vásquez Bernales MelissaElementary EducationBachelor's degree in Education
47Mr. Vásquez Palma GiussepeHistoryBachelor's degree in Education
Major in History of Art and Conservation of the Cultural Patrimony
48Mrs. Vásquez Zavala KatherinaKindergarten TeacherBachelor's degree in Preschool Education
49Mr. Vega Farías OscarGeneral Inspector / ChemistryBachelor's degree in Education
50Mrs. Zegers Zuleta CarolinaSpanish LanguageBachelor's degree in Education

10. Is there information about student's academic achievements? Which one?
No information provided

11. How do they incorporate technology?
They dont, but they got a webpage.

12. Is learning English important? how?
Yes because they will have more facilities when finding a job.

Extracurricular activities

13. What sports can be practiced in this school? Do they participate in tournaments or
competitions? which ones?
You can practice football, the school have participed in the sub 15 football tournament.

14. What artistic activities are important in this school?
Music Pre K-2 GBS

15. What type of social activities do they have?
Field trips
Career Expo

Personal opinion
16. What calls your attention from this school?
That it is a bilingual school and has a lot of activities.

17. Which extracurricular activity would be your favorite?
Advanced English

18. What is your overall impression?
It's a good shoool

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